During a trip through Beijing, China, Carly observed doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine practicing their healing arts of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Soon after, Carly decided to devote her studies to that of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She became interested in the various modalities of natural medicine that prevent and relieve conditions, from a common cold to musculoskeletal aches and pains, to everyday emotional stresses.
After receiving her Bachelors of Science at Long Island University in Brooklyn she completed her Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, in New York City. She apprenticed with Acupuncturists and Herbalists that specialize in the fields of musculoskeletal pain conditions, women's health and digestive disorders. Carly is certified in Reiki healing technique. Reiki is a technique in which touch and palpation are applied to each patient as a way to activate the body's natural healing processes, to restore physical and emotional well-being. Carly is also certified in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture. She uses modalities such as specialized herbal ligaments, oils and balms to further the healing process, and the use of hot stones as a way to warm the body before each acupuncture treatment. As a native New Yorker, Carly has always been aware of the hundreds of people surrounding each other and how each person is different than the next. That is why each acupuncture treatment is uniquely individualized for their condition and constitution. In her spare time, Carly stays active by swimming, biking, and practicing yoga.