Acupuncture TreatmentAcupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites--commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. The most common method used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles.
Chiropractic TreatmentChiropractic is a health care profession dedicated to the non-surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous system and/or musculoskeletal system. Generally, chiropractors maintain a unique focus on spinal manipulation and treatment of surrounding structures.
Massage TherapyMassage therapy is a form of bodywork that is used to improve function within the body. By using their hands in a variety of different techniques, massage therapists manipulate the soft tissues in the body to promote relaxation and improved circulation.
We accept NYSHIP Empire Plan.
NYSHIP is the New York State Health Insurance Program – a comprehensive health insurance program for New York State public employees comprising The Empire Plan and NYSHIP-approved Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). The New York State Department of Civil Service administers NYSHIP. The Empire Plan is available to New York State’s public employees and employers. |
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